Jean-Paul Sartre - Philosophical & Literary Works (43 books)
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Genre: Philosophy
List of Books Included: * THE AGE OF REASON (Vintage, 1992). Translated by Eric Sutton.
* ANTI-SEMITE AND JEW (Schocken, 1976). Translated by George J. Becker.
* BASIC WRITINGS (Routledge, 2001). Edited by Stephen Priest.
* BAUDELAIRE (New Directions, 1950). Translated by Martin Tunnell.
* BEING AND NOTHINGNESS (Pocket Books, 1971). Translated by Hazel E. Barnes.
* BETWEEN EXISTENTIALISM AND MARXISM (Verso, 2008). Translated by John Matthews.
* COLONIALISM AND NEOCOLONIALISM (Routledge, 2001). Translated by Azzedine Haddour, Steve Brewer and Terry McWilliams.
* THE COMMUNISTS AND PEACE, With A Reply to Claude Lefort (George Braziller, 1968). Translated by Martha H. Fletcher and Philip R. Berk.
* THE CONDEMNED OF ALTONA: A Play in Five Acts (Vintage, 1963). Translated by Sylvia and George Leeson.
* CONVERSATIONS WITH JEAN-PAUL SARTRE (Seagull Books, 2006). With Perry Anderson, Ronald Fraser, Quintin Hoare, and Simone de Beauvoir.
* CRITIQUE OF DIALECTICAL REASON, Vol. 1: Theory of Practical Ensembles (Verso, 2004). New Edition, translated by Alan Sheridan-Smith.
* CRITIQUE OF DIALECTICAL REASON, Vol. 2: The Intelligibility of History [unfinished] (Verso, 1991). Translated by Quintin Hoare.
* THE DEVIL AND THE GOOD LORD & TWO OTHER PLAYS (Alfred A. Knopf, 1960). Translated by Kitty Black, and Sylvia and George Leeson.
* THE EMOTIONS: Outline of a Theory (Carol, 1993). Translated by Bernard Frechtman. -- PDF + EPUB
* EXISTENTIAL PSYCHOANALYSIS (Henry Regnery, 1981). Translated by Hazel E. Barnes. -- EPUB
* EXISTENTIALISM AND HUMAN EMOTIONS (Philosophical Library, 1985). -- EPUB
* EXISTENTIALISM IS A HUMANISM (Yale University Press, 2001). Translated by Carol Macomber.
* THE FAMILY IDIOT: Gustave Flaubert, 1821-1857 (University of Chicago Press, 1981-94). 5 volumes. Translated by Carol Cosman.
* THE FREUD SCENARIO (Verso, 1985). Translated by Quintin Hoare.
* THE GHOST OF STALIN (George Braziller, 1968). Translated by Martha H. Fletcher with the assistance of John R. Kleinschmidt.
* HOPE NOW: The 1980 Interviews [with Benny Lévy] (University of Chicago Press, 1996). Translated by Adrian van den Hoven.
* THE IMAGINARY: A Phenomenological Psychology of the Imagination (Routledge, 2004). Translated by Jonathan Webber. -- PDF + EPUB
* LITERARY AND PHILOSOPHICAL ESSAYS (Collier Books, 1962). Translated by Annette Michelson.
* NO EXIT & THREE OTHER PLAYS (Vintage, 1989). Translated by Stuart Gilbert and I. Abel. -- PDF + EPUB
* NOTEBOOKS FOR AN ETHICS (University of Chicago Press, 1992). Translated by David Pellauer.
* THE PHILOSOPHY OF EXISTENTIALISM: Selected Essays (Philosophical Library, 1965). Edited with a Foreword by Wade Baskin. -- EPUB
* THE PSYCHOLOGY OF IMAGINATION (Philosophical Library, 1948).
* SAINT GENET: Actor and Martyr (New American Library, 1971).
* SARTRE ON THEATER (Pantheon, 1976). Translated by Frank Jellinek.
* SEARCH FOR A METHOD (Alfred A. Knopf, 1963). Translated by Hazel E. Barnes.
* SELECTED PROSE (Northwestern University Press, 1974). Translated by Richard McCleary; Edited by Michel Contat and Michel Rybalka.
* TALKING WITH SARTRE: Conversations and Debates (Yale University Press, 2009). Edited and translated by John Gerassi.
* THE TRANSCENDENCE OF THE EGO: An Existentialist Theory of Consciousness (Hill & Wang, 1960). Translated and annotated by Forrest Williams and Robert Kirkpatrick.
* THE TRANSCENDENCE F THE EGO: A Sketch for a Phenomenological Description (Routledge, 2004). Translated by Andrew Brown.
* TRUTH AND EXISTENCE (University of Chicago Press, 1992). Translated by Adrian van den Hoven.
* THE WALL & OTHER STORIES (New Directions, 1969). Translated by Lloyd Alexander.
* WAR DIARIES: Notebooks from a Phoney War, 1939-40 (Verso, 1984). Translated by Quintin Hoare.
* "WHAT IS LITERATURE?" & OTHER ESSAYS (Harvard University Press, 1988). Introduction by Steven Ungar.
* THE WORDS (George Braziller, 1964). Translated by Bernard Frechtman.
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